Encourage My Heart, Lord

Oh, God, You’re so full of 

Love, Mercy, & Grace

I call out, no, I plead

For all that You have and

I so desperately need

So here I come, Lord, crawling up in Your Lap


Snuggling in Your arms,

For this is the only place

I feel safe

and out of the reach of harm

With Your right hand You cover me,

And I can peacefully slumber

Away from voices in my head

louder than any raging storm

filled with thunder

For this storm feels so violent

and out of control

Desiring to destroy all in its path

Shattering lives and hurting souls

But You are the God of Hope

The One Who cares

You fill me with all Your Joy & Peace

When there’s nothing around but despair

I find comfort in Your Promises & Your Word

I hold on to them so they won’t slip away

Give me understanding to follow Your path

Shine Your light so I’ll know the way

Bathe me in Your everlasting Grace

Through Your Mercy encourage my heart

I savor Your love as I look upon Your face

Knowing we’ll never part

Yes, Lord, I’ve made a choice

To praise You from the depth of my soul;

So with all my being, I lift my voice

Singing sounds that can’t be told…

Diane Upchurch  2012

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